Bridge to Terabithia |
Movie Info:
- Full Name: Bridge to Terabithia
- Released: 2007
- Duration: 1hr 36min
- Language: Dual Audio (Hindi-English)
- Subtitle: Yes (English)
- Size: 950MB
- Quality: 720p – BluRay
- Format: Mkv
Growing up in the redneck country isn’t easy for shy Jess Aarons, with a father struggling to make ends meet and two arrogant bigger sisters. In class he bonds with cheeky newcomer Leslie Burke, whose writer parents moved into the neighboring house, despite her taking his only local prestige by beating him in a school race. Having wandered off into the woods after school, they invent a fantasy land called Terabithia, where they can be the superheroes of imaginary feral races. Together they also stand up against bullies, but then tragedy strikes, and Jess must adjust again.
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